Monster Genetalia : Tourpillon (SPS/VRCFury)
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This is tourpillon, inspired by Sluggs and they're See counterpart, this one will make use of it's frills attached to it's prehensile shaft and have them wiggle around inside and outside of you~ Demo video : Patchnotes: V1.1 - Fixed scaling reseting when an sps oriface comes close. - Disabled Physbones on in/out animation to avoid jankines. Requires : - SPS. - VRCFury. - Poyiomi (Recommended). Comes with : - Unity file. - Blender file. - Substance file. - Hide/un-hide animation. - Idle animation. - Deploy/Undeploy animation. - Can both penetrate and be penetrated (whenever the Shaft is out or not~). - Animation to addjust scale. - Animation to adjust Angle. You are allowed to modify the model, but not to resell it, nor sell the modified model (except texture changes and You are allowed to modify the model, but not to Resell, Share or Distribute it, nor Resell,Share or Distribute the modified model (except texture changes and additional accessory that are not included in the Package).